Friday, June 2, 2017
Via Bicycle is losing a key man
Matt Woods is moving on to greener pastures. We/I are honored to have had his presence here for over a decade, we`ve seen him get married, Joni introduced us,adding two girls & a house add yet more to his heaping plate but we're confidant he's up to it. He has been an asset since day one being the guy that during a lull would chase a broom or empty trash, never a Prima Donna, Matt never shied from less desirable tasks. His knowledge of vintage bikes is something admired by many in the "bike world", especially me. Until he joins the talented group at Transport Cycles he is trying to train me to fill his big big shoes. I am grateful for his patience as I`m not a quick study. David and Simon are in for a treat as Matt's passion is real and the facets of the bike world that they cover and we don't he will drink in with gusto. I look foreward to hearing what he learns & hope he gets his hands on a torch as Simon's skill is as great as Matt`s thirst for knowledge.