Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Bicycle Repair and Safety Courses for Way Gay U at the William Way Center every Monday in October
Every Monday evening in October join Curtis as he teaches a Bicycle Repair and Safety Course for Way Gay You.
Bike Repair and Road Safety with Curtis Anthony. Prepare your bike for safe, comfortable riding and gain the knowledge to be safe and ride with confidence. In this camp, you will learn how to assemble a “must have” tool kit, adjust your bike for safety and comfort, clean and maintain your bike, lubricate gears, repair a flat/replace a tube, properly lock your bike, basic gear/brake adjustment, disassemble for shipping/ storage, mount your bike to a car rack and many other tidbits gathered during Curtis' many years in business. Bring your bike, helmet, and tools you currently own. Instructor Curtis, owner of Via Bicycle, has twice been the state captain of the Wheelmen, an international antique bicycle club, has raced mountain bikes, served as the mechanic at the US Professional Championship race, and has owned and operated a successful bike store for 25 years. Camp dates: Mondays, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, from 8:00-9:00 pm. 4 sessions for $40 members/$55 non-members. Held in the Philadelphia Room, an accessible room. Registration closes September 25
You can Register at the William Way Center website
William Way Center
1315 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19107