Tuesday, October 13, 2015

MAFAC / ACS cantilever brakes

     There was a bit of chatter about these oddities on The CR (Classic Rendezvous) list a couple days ago. MAFAC was a French bicycle component company with a long history of quality and pioneering products. in the 1980's however, the company went bankrupt and everything was sold off. ACS, an American component company, mostly known for BMX products bought some of the tooling when everything was being sold.   Mountain bikes & cantilever brakes were coming into fashion, so they offered them on a horse shoe mount that could attach to standard side pull brake mounts.  Murray and Roadmaster built many bikes with them, as it was cheaper than frame mounted canti’s at the time. This is a crappy short cut solution and kind of makes me sad in a way to see such a reputable brand (MAFAC) reduced to this level.
     This is a set of those brakes with the horse shoe holders. I have seen these next to my office for a while now and always wondered what the story was / connection of MAFAC and ACS. Well, now I know and so do you. Thanks you internet.

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